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On Friday, 30th June 2017, Grimaldi Group invited its business partners, to come together and discuss the current business year at the 1st Grimaldi Lines Summer Reception, held at the new Giuseppi’s at the Salini Resort.  Guests had the opportunity to socialise and exchange experiences.


The theme for this first ever social gathering was:-

Together we’re better… and this encompasses the relationship between Grimaldi Group and the Maltese business partners.

Joe Bugeja, General Manager of Sullivan Maritime (ex General Manager of Sea Malta), has expressed his gratitude to all partners and thanked them for the growth of Grimaldi Group in the Isle of Malta.

Philip Sammut, Director of Sullivan Maritime Ltd, the agents in Malta for Grimaldi Group, welcomed the guests and thanked them for their loyalty and commitment to the Group. He then asked Dott. Eugenio Grimaldi, Line Manager South Italy Short Sea Services of Grimaldi Group, well known on the local maritime transport scene, to address the guests.

Dott. Eugenio Grimaldi covered a number of different topics pertinent to the current atmosphere. He explained the significance that the Mediterranean holds in relation to maritime transportation and the huge volume of passengers and trailers that are shipped. Further topics such as the ‘MAREBONUS’ incentive along with the challenges the maritime sector is currently facing; giving prominence to the environmental issues. Were energy efficiency and emission control are the promoted strategy. He stated that only ship owners with a well-studied industrial plan and serious investment in new, modern and bigger ships can be successful in facing and exceeding these challenges.

Dott. Grimaldi explained that new investments in scrubber and new source energy have been studied on ships that travel to the Mediterranean even before the new limits on sulfur content in fuels (less than 0.5%) will enter into force in 2020. He declared that Grimaldi Group is ready to take on that challenge thanks to the work of their energy savings department.

Dott. Grimaldi reaffirmed the Institutional and Social commitment of his Group to Malta. He redefined the great connection the Group has with Malta by pointing out how proud they are to have been of service to the Government of Malta for these last 12 years through their EU – Regular Liner Shipping services that are backed up by modern Ro-Ro vessels guaranteeing a ‘Just In Time’ service all year round. He also mentioned Malta Motorways of the Sea, a fully owned Grimaldi Group company registered in Malta in 2005, underlining some of the Group’s important commitments to Malta such as:

  • MMOS is a member of the Malta International Shipping Association, whereby Dott. Emanuele Grimaldi is the Vice President.
  • The training of Maltese cadets in the process of making them young officers to be employed on the vessels sailing under the flag of MMOS and other companies within the Grimaldi Group.
  • MMOS is a Founder Member of the Malta Shortsea Promotion Centre (MSPC) which is part of the European Short Sea Network (ESN).
  • MMOS is a Corporate Member of the Malta Maritime Forum which represents the maritime private industry in Malta.

Dott. Grimaldi then presented a commemorative plaque to all the business partners and thanked them for their continued loyalty and support.

“We demonstrate in the last 6 years of service to Malta, that we supported the market and all trailer operators through a sustainable and efficient growth. The trend of volumes from 2010 up to 2016 has increased by almost 60%. We can easily say that Malta has always been free and as a result to the level of service offered, we grow together making something possible. What, 15 years ago, was only a dream! We made it and we can go further because TOGETHER WE’RE BETTER!”Dott. Eugenio Grimaldi

All those present had an enjoyable and tranquil evening in a very warm and relaxing maritime setting at Giuseppi’s.